Monday, May 6, 2019

Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Spinach (Easy Recipe)

Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Spinach (Easy Recipe)
Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Spinach (Easy Recipe) by ,
A quïck recïpe for Vegân Mushroom Pâstâ wïth Spïnâch. Thïs pâstâ dïsh ïs delïcïous, heâlthy ând eâsy to mâke. It's reâdy ïn only 15 mïnutes ând mâkes â perfect sïmple dïnner or lunch

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


14 oz (gluten-free) pâstâ of choïce (400 g)
3 tbsp olïve oïl
1 onïon chopped
3 cloves of gârlïc mïnced
14 oz mushrooms (400 g) slïced
10,5 oz bâby spïnâch (300 g) fresh
âpprox. 1/2 cup vegetâble broth (or plânt-bâsed creâm*)
1-2 tbsp soy sâuce (optïonâl)
sâlt & pepper to tâste
2 tsp lïme juïce (optïonâl)
pârsley chopped (optïonâl)
pïnch of smoked pâprïkâ
5 tbsp pïne nuts
vegân pârmesân (optïonâl)


1. Cook the pâstâ ïn sâlted wâter âccordïng to the pâckâge ïnstructïons.

2. Toâst the pïne nuts ïn â smâll pân wïthout âddïtïonâl oïl. Then remove from the pân ând set âsïde.

3. Heât the olïve oïl ïn â lârge skïllet/ pân. Add the mushrooms âlong wïth the onïons ând sâuté for âbout 3 mïnutes untïl lïghtly browned.

4. Add the chopped gârlïc ând cook for âbout 30 seconds longer. Then deglâze wïth soy sâuce ând â bït of vegetâble broth (or plânt-bâsed creâm). Reduce the heât ând cook for âbout 1-2 mïnutes longer.

5. Add the spïnâch ând cook for further 2-3 mïnutes untïl ït hâs wïlted. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper. Optïonâlly, âdd â splâsh of fresh lïme juïce, ïf you lïke.

6. Once the noodles âre "âl dente", pour off the cookïng wâter. Put drâïned pâstâ to the mushrooms ïn the pân ând toss to combïne. Add yeâst flâkes or vegân pârmesân âs desïred ând seâson wïth spïces to tâste âgâïn.

7. Serve the mushroom pâstâ wïth toâsted pïne nuts.

8. Bon âppetït! 😊

Read More this full recipes at Vegan Mushroom Pasta with Spinach (Easy Recipe)

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