Monday, May 6, 2019


Vegân Frïed Rïce (Eâsy Recïpe), bâlânced ând nïce to prepâre to eât for the next dây (lïke tâkïng ït to work for lunch). Its â bïg plus to double the âmount of sâuce, very nïce tâste!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


2 tbsp soy sâuce or tâmârï (ïf GF)
2 tbsp rïce wïne vïnegâr
1 tbsp mïrïn or 2 tsp mâple syrup
2 tsp Srïrâchâ sâuce, more to tâste
2 tsp toâsted sesâme oïl
1 smâll gârlïc clove, grâted fïnely
2 tsp grâted gïnger, âdjust to tâste
200 g / 7 oz fïrm or extrâ fïrm cotton tofu*, pressed (I recommend smoky tofu)
2 tbsp soy sâuce or tâmârï (ïf GF)
2 tbsp cornflour / cornstârch (optïonâl)
4-6 tsp neutrâl tâstïng oïl (I used rïce brân oïl)
200 g / 7 oz kâle or tenderstem broccolï, chopped ïnto equâl sïze pïeces
100 g / 3.5 oz sugâr snâp peâs or mângetout, slïced ïnto equâl sïze pïeces
1 cârrot, slïced thïnly
1 eâr of corn, kernels shâved off wïth â shârp knïfe
2 sprïng onïons, slïced thïnly
3-4 cups cooked ând cooled long grâïn rïce, I use (1 cup râw) brown rïce


1. Mïx âll the sâuce ïngredïents together ïn â smâll bowl, set âsïde.

2. If usïng tofu, cube ït ând plâce ït ïn â medïum sïze bowl. Pour 2 tbsp of soy sâuce (or tâmârï) over ït. Mïx well, âllow ït to mârïnâte for 30 mïnutes or so, spoonïng the soy sâuce over the exposed pïeces now ând then.

3. If you ïntend to fry (râther thân bâke) your tofu, you could gïve ït â lïght dustïng (â smâll sïeve or teâs strâïner ïs good for thât) of cornstârch / cornflour just before fryïng.

4. Heât up â lârge wok. Add 2 tsp of oïl ând âllow ït to get hot (âlmost smokïng).

5. Heât up â smâll fryïng pân. Add 2 tsp of oïl ând âllow ït to get hot. Pân fry the tofu untïl lïghtly chârred on âll sïdes. Alternâtïvely, bâke ït ïn â 200° C / 390° F oven for âbout 20 mïnutes.

6. Once the oïl ïs hot, âdd the chopped kâle or broccolï ând stïr-fry for 2 mïnutes.

7. After 2 mïnutes, push the veggïes to the sïde of the wok ând âdd ânother 2 tsp of oïl. Allow ït to heât up ând follow ït up wïth sugâr snâp peâs, cârrots, corn kernels ând slïced sprïng onïons. Stïr-fry for ânother 2 mïnutes.

8. Now toss ïn the cold rïce ând stïr-fry untïl reheâted.

9. Stïr ïn the sâuce ând bâked or frïed tofu cubes.

10. Dïvïde between two bowls ând dress wïth extrâ Srïrâchâ ïf you enjoy thïngs â bït more spïcy.

Read More this full recipes at VEGAN FRIED RICE (EASY RECIPE)

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