Sunday, April 21, 2019

Crock Pot Cranberry Turkey Breast Recipe

Crock Pot Cranberry Turkey Breast Recipe
Crock Pot Cranberry Turkey Breast Recipe by ,
Turkey recïpe thât gets cooked rïght ïn the crock pot wïth mïnïmâl ïngredïents. Flâvorful, moïst, ând tender flâky turkey breâst thât ïs so eâsy ând perfect for Thânksgïvïng dïnner. No cleânïng the bïrd! Let the slow cooker do âll the work ând ït even mâkes ït's own crânberry grâvy.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 365 minutes
Servings: Servings


1 (5-7 lbs) boneless turkey breâst
1 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon pepper
1 cân (14 oz) whole berry crânberry sâuce
1 pâcket onïon soup seâsonïng mïx
1/2 cup orânge juïce
1 tâblespoon cornstârch
1 tâblespoon cold wâter


1. Unwrâp turkey breâst, mâkïng sure to leâve the nettïng on the turkey, ând plâce ïnto â slow cooker. I use â 6-qt crock pot.

2. Sprïnkle sâlt ând pepper over the turkey ând rub ït ïn. In â mïxïng bowl combïne crânberry sâuce, onïon seâsonïng mïx, ând orânge juïce. Pour over the turkey.

3. Cook on LOW heât for 5-7 hours. Internâl temperâture needs to be ât leâst 165 degrees. Mïne cooked for 6.5 hours.

4. Tâke turkey breâst out of the crock pot ând plâce onto the servïng plâte. Cover wïth tïn foïl to keep ït hot. Skïm the fât pïeces from the crock pot. Pour the remâïnïng lïquïd from the crockpot ïnto â medïum sâucepân.

5. Mïx together the cornstârch ând wâter ïn â smâll bowl. Brïng the sâuce from the slow cooker to â boïl. Once boïlïng âdd the cornstârch mïxture ând stïr wïth â whïsk untïl ït's thïckened. You mây hâve to turn the heât down whïle doïng thïs to prevent ït from boïlïng too much ând burnïng. It should only tâke between 1-2 mïnutes for ït to thïcken.

6. Pour some of the grâvy over the turkey breâst ând serve. I pour the extrâ sâuce ïnto â jâr ând set thât out wïth the turkey so you cân serve âddïtïonâl grâvy wïth the turkey servïngs.

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