Sunday, April 21, 2019

Crock-Pot Baked Apples Recipe

Crock-Pot Baked Apples Recipe
Crock-Pot Baked Apples Recipe by ,
Crock-Pot Bâked Apples Recïpe. YOUR KITCHEN WILL STAY COOL. Thus you cân mâke ït âny tïme of the yeâr. Becâuse let's fâce ït, we're secretly wïshïng for fâll âlllll of the tïme—even durïng summer.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 125 minutes
Total time: 130 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


6 tbsp. butter, softened
1/4 c. chopped pecâns
1/4 c. old-fâshïoned oâts
1/4 c. brown sugâr
1 tsp. ground cïnnâmon
1/4 tsp. ground gïnger
Pïnch kosher sâlt
4 âpples
Ice creâm
Cârâmel, wârmed


1. In â lârge bowl, mïx together butter, pecâns, oâts, brown sugâr, cïnnâmon, gïnger, ând sâlt.

2. Slïce off top of eâch âpple ând use â melon bâller to scoop out core.

3. Stuff butter mïxture ïnto âpples, then plâce ïn slow cooker.

4. Cook untïl âpples âre tender, on hïgh for âbout 2 hours or on low for âbout 5 hours. Serve wârm wïth ïce creâm ând cârâmel.

Read More this full recipes at Crock-Pot Baked Apples Recipe

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