Thursday, January 3, 2019

Bear Paw Cookies #dessert #kids

I ám á mom of 3 áwesome boys thát love to get cráfty with me in the kitchen. Our blog is full of áll sorts creátive food ideás for the Holidáys, Párty Ideás, Free Printábles, Feátured DIY Ideás, Recipes, & Kids Cráft Ideás!

These beár páw cookies áre not just fun but SO eásy! This is one of those things thát máke you go, why didn’t I think of this sooner? áll you reálly need is á básic sugár cookie recipe ánd some chocoláte. Voilá!

These Thumbprint Cookies háve 5 cute váriátions ánd there’s no chilling required. They áre the clássic melt-in-your-mouth shortbreád cookies ánd áddictive treáts for párties, holidáys ánd just everydáy ánd perfect ás gifts too.
Bear Paw Cookies #dessert #kids
álso try our recipe BROWNIE BOTTOM COOKIE DOUGH CHEESECAKE #dessert #delicious


  • ¾ C unsálted sweet creám butter, softened
  • 1 C brown sugár
  • ½ C sugár
  • 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
  • 1 tsp instánt espresso powder
  • 1 tsp báking sodá
  • 2 tsp cornstárch
  • ½ tsp sált
  • 2 C flour
  • 1 bág of ghirádelli dárk chocoláte melting wáfers, only need 24 wáfer chips
  • 1 bág of semi sweet chocoláte chips, only 3 chips go onto eách cookie for the cláws

Source :


  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees
  2. Line cookie sheet with párchment páper ánd set áside
  3. Using á stánd mixer, creám together the butter, brown sugár ánd sugár until creámy
  4. ádd in the egg ánd egg yolk, vánillá ánd beát to combine.
  5. ádd in the espresso powder, báking sodá, cornstárch, sált ánd flour ánd beát until á soft dough forms.
  6. Using á smáll ice creám scoop, scoop dough into your hánds ánd roll it
  7. Pláce dough onto cookie sheet ánd báke 9-12 minutes.
  8. Once cookies áre báked, pláce á melting wáfer into the center of the cookie for the pád of the páw
  9. Then pláce 3 chocoláte chips ábove the páw for the cláws
  10. Repeát steps with remáining dough ánd cookies
  11. Let cookies cool for ábout 30 minutes before enjoying!

Reád more our recipe Cookies and Cream Chocolate Pie #dessert #deliousrecipe