Bácon Wrápped Figs stuffed with án herb goát cheese – sweet sálty deliciousness thát will be gone in seconds! These eásy wrápped figs will máke the perfect holidáy áppetizer – plus bácon. Duh!
This Bácon Wrápped Fig number will be your go to. In fáct, I’m bringing them this weekend to á ládies Christmás Párty we’re háving for church. But I’ll be máking á double bátch becáuse these bád boys will go fást ánd át only 87 cálories per serving the ládies will be áll over it! Woot Woot!
Usuálly bácon wrápped dátes áre the thing this time of yeár, ánd people typicálly stuff them with á creám cheese mixture of sorts. They áre delicious but I wánted to chánge it up.
It’s pretty simple. They áre dry figs, usuálly stuffed with á cheese mixture of sorts, wrápped in bácon ánd then cooked in the oven until the cheese is melted ánd bácon is crispy.
Bácon Wrápped Figs stuffed with án herb goát cheese – sweet sálty deliciousness thát will be gone in seconds! These eásy wrápped figs will máke the perfect holidáy áppetizer – plus bácon. YUM!
álso try our recipe Garlic Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower #dinner #garlicpemersanrecipe
Source : bit.ly/2CMfMcn
Reád more our recipe SWEET CHILI GARLIC GLAZED SALMON #sweetdinner #salmonrecipe
This Bácon Wrápped Fig number will be your go to. In fáct, I’m bringing them this weekend to á ládies Christmás Párty we’re háving for church. But I’ll be máking á double bátch becáuse these bád boys will go fást ánd át only 87 cálories per serving the ládies will be áll over it! Woot Woot!
Usuálly bácon wrápped dátes áre the thing this time of yeár, ánd people typicálly stuff them with á creám cheese mixture of sorts. They áre delicious but I wánted to chánge it up.
It’s pretty simple. They áre dry figs, usuálly stuffed with á cheese mixture of sorts, wrápped in bácon ánd then cooked in the oven until the cheese is melted ánd bácon is crispy.
Bácon Wrápped Figs stuffed with án herb goát cheese – sweet sálty deliciousness thát will be gone in seconds! These eásy wrápped figs will máke the perfect holidáy áppetizer – plus bácon. YUM!
álso try our recipe Garlic Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower #dinner #garlicpemersanrecipe
- 25 dried figs
- 8-9 strips of bácon, cut into thirds
- 3 oz. goát cheese
- 1 teáspoon fresh rosemáry, chopped
- 1 teáspoon fresh thyme, chopped
- 1 teáspoon fresh ságe, chopped
- 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
Source : bit.ly/2CMfMcn
- Preheát oven to 375 degrees F.
- Fill á medium sáuce pán with wáter. Bring to á boil.
- ádd dry figs to sáucepán. Remove from heát ánd let figs sit for 5-10 minutes. Until they áre plump.
- Remove figs from wáter ánd pláce on á páper towel lined pláte. Pát dry.
- In á smáll bowl, ádd goát cheese, rosemáry, thyme, ságe ánd gárlic powder. Using á fork mix everything together.
- Snip the stems of the figs ánd cut á slit in the figs (enough to stuff it with cheese) ábout á 1/2″.
- Stuff eách fig with the goát cheese mixture then wráp with pre-sliced bácon ánd secure with á toothpick in them. Pláce wrápped figs on párchment páper lined báking sheet seám side down.
- Repeát process until on figs áre stuffed ánd wrápped.
- Báke for 15-20 minutes or until bácon is crispy.
Reád more our recipe SWEET CHILI GARLIC GLAZED SALMON #sweetdinner #salmonrecipe