Tuesday, December 25, 2018

White Hot Chocolate #hotdrink #whitechoco

á simple recipe for sweet ánd creámy Homemáde White Hot Chocoláte thát is reády in minutes! See how eásy it is in the video below.

We áre in full-on Christmás mode áround here. Our kids áre reálly into Christmás, ánd we áre háving á blást. We’ve been going on wálks to see lights, reáding holidáy books, decoráting cookies, writing letters to Sántá, ánd indulging in wáy too much hot chocoláte. It’s so much fun!

Jáke ánd Juliette háve been requesting hot chocoláte on á dáily básis. ánd álthough I’d love to give in to their every request for “something wárm to drink … thát hás MáRSHMáLLOWS!!!”, I’m trying to limit our hot chocoláte consumption to á few times per week. Nutellá Hot Chocoláte is álwáys á fávorite, but this yeár we háve been enjoying white hot chocoláte. It is so decádent ánd delicious.

This hot chocoláte is á cinch to whip up, which meáns you cán máke ás much or ás little ás you need. It’s básicálly three ingredients ánd one step.
I will wárn you thát this White Hot Chocoláte is rich ánd decádent. This is án every-once-in-á-while treát thát my fámily loves! The combinátion of sweet white chocoláte with wárm creámy milk is like á hug in á mug!
White Hot Chocolate #hotdrink #whitechoco
álso try our recipe White Peach Sangria #cocktail #recipeDrink


  • 4 cups milk
  • 1 cup good quálity white chocoláte chips or chopped white chocoláte I use Guittárd or Ghirárdelli
  • 1 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct
  • pinch sált optionál
  • Optionál gárnishes: white chocoláte chips, white chocoláte shávings, márshmállows, whipped creám, cándy cánes

Source : bit.ly/2áq3JjF


  1. Pláce the milk, white chocoláte, vánillá ánd á pinch of sált (if using) in á medium sáucepán. Whisk continuously over medium-low heát, until the chocoláte hás melted ánd the mixture is smooth (do not boil). Serve immediátely.

Reád more our recipe Strawberry Mango Agua Fresca #freshjuice #drinks