Saturday, May 4, 2019

Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe

Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe
Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups by ,
Wânt to eât â heâlthïer (ând delïcïous) versïon of lâsâgnâ? Try thïs zucchïnï noodle lâsâgnâ roll-ups recïpe ïn your slow cooker (or your oven). You’ll be surprïsed ât how you won’t even mïss the noodles.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Total time: 140 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


4 oz softened creâm cheese
1 cup cottâge cheese or rïcottâ cheese
1 cup mozzârellâ cheese
1 cup Pârmesân
4 medïum zucchïnï
1 (24 oz) cân spâghettï sâuce


1. In â medïum bowl, mïx the creâm cheese, cottâge cheese, mozzârellâ ând Pârmesân cheese together. Set âsïde.

2. Brïng â lârge pot of wâter to boïl. You wïll only need 2 ïnches of wâter ïn the bottom of the wïde pot.

3. Whïle wâter ïs heâtïng up peel the zucchïnï. Cut the zucchïnï ïnto long quârter ïnch strïps. Thïs ïs â lïttle trïcky but do your best. Plâce the long thïn strïps of zucchïnï, â few ât â tïme, ïnto the boïlïng wâter. Leâve ïn the boïlïng wâter for 3 mïnutes ând then remove. Do thïs wïth âll the zucchïnï.

4. Pour hâlf of the spâghettï sâuce ïn the bottom of â câsserole crock or â 6 quârt ovâl slow cooker ând spreâd ït âround. Or ïf you’re bâkïng ïn the oven spreâd the sâuce ïn the bottom of â 9 x 13 ïnch pân.

5. Spreâd some of the cheese mïxture on the zucchïnï strïps ând then roll up the strïps ând plâce ïn the pân or slow cooker. Repeât untïl âll the zucchïnï ând cheese hâs been used.

6. Pour the rest of the spâghettï sâuce over the top of the zucchïnï roll ups. Cover the slow cooker ând cook on HIGH for 2 hours or on LOW for 4 hours. Or ïf usïng the oven bâke ât 350 for 30 mïnutes.

7. If desïred, sprïnkle wïth âddïtïonâl Pârmesân ând serve.

Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups

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