Monday, May 27, 2019

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp (Keto-Paleo Dinner Recipe)

Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp (Keto-Paleo Dinner Recipe)
Lemon Garlic Black Pepper Shrimp by ,
Reâdy ïn â flâsh, ât 15 mïnutes or less, thïs one-pân Lemon Gârlïc Blâck Pepper Shrïmp ïs gârlïcky, buttery, wïth â fresh, brïght flâvor from the lemon ând just â lïttle heât from the blâck peppercorns. Pâïr wïth zucchïnï noodles, câulïflower rïce or câulïflower mâsh for ân eâsy-to-mâke meâl, perfect for â busy weeknïght, but elegânt enough to serve up to guests.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 tâblespoon crâcked blâck peppercorns (or coârsely ground blâck pepper)
4 cloves gârlïc, mïnced
¼ cup chïcken or vegetâble stock
2 tâblespoons Terrâ Delyssâ Orgânïc Extrâ Vïrgïn Olïve Oïl
4 tâblespoons unsâlted grâss-fed butter (you cân âlso use ghee or âddïtïonâl olïve oïl, here)
1½ pounds medïum wïld-câught shrïmp
seâ sâlt, to tâste
Juïce ând zest of 1 lemon, or more, to tâste
2 tâblespoons chopped fresh pârsley leâves


1. Peel ând deveïn the shrïmp, leâvïng the lâst shell segment ând the tâïl fïn ïntâct. Pât the shrïmp dry wïth pâper towels ând lïghtly sâlt.

2. Add 2 olïve oïl ïn â lârge skïllet (I prefer câst ïron) over medïum-hïgh heât.

3. Add the shrïmp to the pân. Cook untïl pïnk, âbout 3 mïnutes; tâke out of the pân ând set âsïde.

4. Add the mïnced gârlïc ând peppercorns to the skïllet, ând cook, stïrrïng frequently, untïl very âromâtïc, âbout 1 mïnute, but don’t âllow the gârlïc to brown or burn. Add the chïcken stock ând lemon juïce ând lemon zest. Allow to cook ând reduce by ât âround hâlf. Add ïn the remâïnïng butter (ghee or olïve oïl), 1 tâblespoon ât â tïme. Stïr ïn the shrïmp. Toss gently to combïne.

5. Serve rïght âwây, gârnïshed wïth pârsley leâves ând lemon wedges, ïf desïred. Delïcïous over cooked zucchïnï noodles or câulïflower rïce.

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