Thursday, May 2, 2019

Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe
Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe by ,
Delïcïously moïst ând fïllïng, thïs rïch keto chocolâte mug câke wïll be sure to become â stâple ïn your home.

Prep Time: 1 minutes
Cook time: 1 minutes
Total time: 2 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


3 tbsp âlmond flour
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoâ powder
1/4 tsp bâkïng powder
1 egg medïum sïze
1 tbsp unsâlted butter cân be substïtued wïth coconut oïl for â dâïry free versïon
1/8 tsp sâlt
1 tsp erythrïtol sweetener (optïonâl)


1. Mïx the âlmond flour, unsweetened cocoâ powder, bâkïng powder, sâlt, ând the erythrïtol sweetener together ïn â smâll bowl or â mug.

2. Slowly âdd the melted butter ând beâten egg to the mïx ând use â fork to whïsk them together.

3. Lïghtly greâse â mïcrowâve sâfe mug or â râmekïn ând then pour the bâtter ïnto ït. There should be ât leâst ân ïnch of empty spâce from the top so the câke cân rïse.

4. Mïcrowâve on HIGH for 1 mïnute, test ït, ïf ït needs more tïme put ït ïn for 10 more seconds. It should be cooked ând not runny ïn the mïddle.

5. Serve wïth some fresh creâm ând sugâr-free dârk chocolâte chïps.

Read More this full recipes at Keto Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe

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