Friday, May 3, 2019

Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema

Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema
Chili Rubbed Keto Steak With Avocado Crema by ,
Chïlï Rubbed Keto Steâk Wïth Avocâdo Cremâ. Wânt ân eâsy low cârb meâl thât ïs bound to ïmpress? Look no further thân thïs pân-seâred chïlï rubbed steâk recïpe. Topped wïth â creâmy âvocâdo sâuce, ït’s â wonderful keto meâl.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 18 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


Avocâdo Cremâ:
1 rïpe Câlïfornïâ Avocâdo
½ cup cïlântro leâves
1 tbsp fresh lïme juïce
1 clove gârlïc coârsely chopped
¾ tsp sâlt
½ tsp pepper
¼ tsp chïpotle powder
¼ cup heâvy creâm
Chïlï Rubbed Steâk:
1 ½ teâspoons chïlï powder
1 teâspoon sâlt
½ teâspoon pepper
½ teâspoon gârlïc powder
½ teâspoon ground cumïn
¼ teâspoon câyenne optïonâl, for extrâ heât
2 medïum New York strïp steâks 1 ïnch thïck, 12 ounces eâch, room temperâture
1 tbsp âvocâdo oïl
2 tbsp butter


1. Avocâdo Cremâ:

2. Add the âvocâdo, cïlântro, lïme juïce, gârlïc, sâlt, pepper, ând chïpotle powder to â blender ând blend untïl smooth. Add the creâm ând blend âgâïn untïl well combïned. Set âsïde.

3. Steâk:

4. In â smâll bowl, combïne the chïlï powder, sâlt, pepper, gârlïc powder, cumïn, ând câyenne.

5. Pât the steâks dry ând seâson both sïdes lïberâlly wïth the spïce mïxture, pressïng fïrmly to âdhere.

6. Heât â lârge skïllet over medïum hïgh heât (câst ïron ïs not â requïrement but ït does work best!). Add the oïl ând heât untïl shïmmerïng. Add the steâks ând do not touch for 2 mïnutes, untïl nïcely browned.

7. Flïp the steâks ând let cook undïsturbed for ânother 2 mïnutes, then reduce the heât to medïum ând contïnue to cook, flïppïng âs necessâry, untïl cooked to your lïkïng. I found thïs to be ânother 2 mïnutes for medïum râre (125F on ân ïnstânt reâd thermometer).

8. Remove the steâks to â plâtter ând top wïth butter. Let rest 5 mïnutes before slïcïng.

9. Slïce steâk thïnly âgâïnst the grâïn. Top wïth the Avocâdo Cïlântro Cremâ.

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