Friday, April 26, 2019

Mini Coffee Cake Muffins

How To Make Mini Coffee Cake Muffins
Mini Coffee Cake Muffins by ,
EASY RECIPE for Mïnï Coffee Câke Muffïns thât tâste just lïke Coffee Câke! Add â cïnnâmon sugâr crumble on top! They âre so quïck to mâke. My fâmïly loves them for breâkfâst ând dessert! Recïpe mâkes 16 mïnï muffïns.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


For the muffïns
1 cup flour
1/4 cup + 2 tâblespoons sugâr
1 teâspoon bâkïng powder
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 cup butter - melted
1 egg
1/4 cup + 2 tâblespoons mïlk
1 teâspoon vânïllâ
For the crumble toppïng
2 tâblespoons flour
1/3 cup sugâr
1/2 teâspoon cïnnâmon
2 tâblespoons butter - melted


1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees.

2. Sprây â mïnï muffïn pân wïth nonstïck sprây.

3. For the muffïns: In â lârge bowl combïne flour, sugâr, bâkïng powder ând sâlt. Add ïn melted butter ând mïx wïth fork so the mïxture ïs crumbly. Add egg, mïlk ând vânïllâ. Contïnue mïxïng wïth â fork so everythïng ïs combïned. Pour thïs mïxture ïnto the mïnï muffïn pân - ït should fïll up âpproxïmâtely 16 muffïns.

4. For the crumble toppïng: In â smâll bowl combïne flour, sugâr ând cïnnâmon. Add melted butter ând mïx wïth fork so the mïxture ïs crumbly. Sprïnkle thïs mïxture on top of the muffïns. Keep sprïnklïng untïl ït's âll gone.

5. Bâke for 14-15 mïnutes.

6. Let cool for 10 mïnutes before removïng muffïns from pân.

Read More this full recipes at Mini Coffee Cake Muffins

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