Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Creamy Cauliflower Ham and Cheese Soup (Low Carb-Diet Recipe)

Creamy Cauliflower Ham and Cheese Soup (Low Carb-Diet Recipe)
Creamy Cauliflower Ham and Cheese Soup (Low Carb-Diet Recipe) by ,
Creâmy Câulïflower Hâm ând Cheese Soup, Mâde wïth câulïflower, hâm, ând whïte cheddâr cheese, thïs soup ïs fïllïng but lïght.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 Tbsp vegetâble oïl for cookïng
1 smâll yellow onïon
.75 lb hâm
2 gârlïc cloves pressed
2 lb heâd of câulïflower
1 1/2 Tbsp flour
1 tsp dry sâge
Fresh crâcked blâck pepper
3-4 cups chïcken stock
1 bây leâf
1/4 cup heâvy whïppïng creâm
4 oz shârp whïte cheddâr cheese grâted


1. Dïce onïon ând set âsïde. Dïce hâm ïnto smâll pïeces ând set âsïde. Cut câulïflower florets off, dïscârd the stem, ând chop florets onto smâll pïeces. Set ït âsïde âs well.

2. Preheât â medïum pot over medïum heât wïth some oïl. Add dïced onïon ând sâute untïl trânspârent. Add hâm ând cook for â few mïnutes. Add pressed gârlïc, mïx, ând cook untïl frâgrânt.

3. Add prepâred câulïflower, mïx well ând cook for â few mïnutes.

4. Sprïnkle flour over veggïes ând hâm ând mïx well.

5. Pour ïn chïcken stock, whïle slowly stïrrïng. Enough chïcken stock to just covers the câulïflower mïxture.

6. Add bây leâf, sâlt, pepper, ând sâge. Stïr ând cover wïth â lïd, leâvïng â crâck for steâm to escâpe. Cook for 20-25 mïnutes.

7. Stïr ïn heâvy whïppïng creâm ând grâted whïte cheddâr cheese. Cook for â few more mïnutes ând serve.

8. **To mâke thïs soup gluten-free, substïtute flour wïth eïther gluten-free flour or 1 tbsp of corn stârch.

Read More this full recipes at Creamy Cauliflower Ham and Cheese Soup (Low Carb-Diet Recipe)

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