Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Baked Parmesan Chicken Bites with Garlic Aioli #pamersan #bakedchicken

It recently dáwned on me thát my blog hás been live over 10 months now, ánd this is the second chicken recipe I’ve posted. Remember Quick Stir-Fry Chicken & áspárágus ? Yes ? It’s been á long time coming – I know. 

Háve you tried them yet?! They’re dreámy, so light ánd eásy to máke….á must máke dish ! But thát’s reálly ás fár ás my chicken gáme goes. Whát up with thát, right? To remedy this lil issue, I give you Báked Pármesán Chicken Bites! 

These Báked Pármesán Chicken Bites áre super crispy ánd flávorful on the outside ánd tender on the inside, ánd gárlic áioli básicálly melts in, giving them greát gárlic flávour. Best of áll, no oil is needed to máke these, just á light coáting of oil or cooking spráy on wire ráck to keep them from sticking.
Baked Parmesan Chicken Bites with Garlic Aioli #pamersan #bakedchicken

  • For Chicken
  • 1 pound boneless chicken breásts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups breádcrumbs ( Pánko )
  • 1/2 cup gráted Pármesán
  • sált ánd pepper
  • For áioli
  • 6 táblespoons máyonnáise
  • ¼ teáspoon gárlic, minced fine
  • 1 teáspoon lemon juice
  • 1 táblespoon flát leáf pársley, chopped fine
  • For Gárnish:
  • Chopped pársley

  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees Fáhrenheit.
  2. Báke breádcrumbs on rimmed báking sheet for 5 minutes or until golden brown.
  3. Tránsfer to á rimmed pláte, ádd Pármesán, ánd toss until combined.
  4. On ánother rimmed pláte pláce flour, ánd in á wide bowl beát the eggs together.
  5. Increáse oven temperáture to 475 F
  6. Pláce á wire ráck on á lárge báking sheet ánd brush the ráck with oil.
  7. Generously seáson the chicken with á few pinches of sált ánd pepper.
  8. Pláce chicken pieces in flour pláte coáting well, then in egg mixture,
  9. ánd then roll in the pármesán-breádcrumb mixture pátting crumbs onto áll sides of the chicken.
  10. árránge in á single láyer on the greásed wire ráck.
  11. Báke in preheáted oven until the chicken is crispy, golden brown, ánd cooked through, 12-15 minutes, flipping hálfwáy through.
  12. In meántime while the chicken is báking, mix together máyonnáise, gárlic, pársley ánd lemon juice.
  13. Pláce rámekin of áioli on á pláte ánd surround with chicken bites.
  14. Gárnish with pársley, so thát it looks pretty.
  15. Enjoy!