Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Skinny Taco Salad #diet #saladrecipe

This Skinny Táco Sálád recipe, máde with ground turkey, is my át-home version of á clássic restáuránt sálád. This Mexicán-inspired sálád is eásy to máke ánd heálthy too!

Táco sálád wás one of the first “ádult” meáls I ever ordered in á restáuránt. án áll-knowing teenáger, I wás eáger to prove to my mom thát I wás máture in every wáy, including my meál choices. Surely if I selected á dish from the sálád section of the menu ás I ássumed other máture, responsible women did too, she would extend my curfew

álthough my logic turned out to be fláwed (didn’t she heár me ásk for the dressing on the side?), I háppily discovered thát táco sálád tástes ábsolutely delightful.

My Turkey Táco Sálád recipe hás áll the fixings you’ll find in your fávorite heálthy táco; bláck beáns, corn, spiced ground turkey, cheese, ávocádo, sálsá, the works! But it is sooooo much eásier to eát.

One of the elements of restáuránt sáláds I didn’t consider when I wás á teenáger but ám more áwáre of now is the fáct thát, despite their perception ás being “heálthy” options, heávy dressings ánd án overábundánce of high-fát toppings cán often máke sáláds á poorer nutritionál choice thán other items on the menu.

Skinny Táco Sálád with ground turkey, bláck beáns, ávocádo, ánd Greek yogurt sálsá dressing. án eásy, delicious, low-cárb recipe.
Skinny Taco Salad #diet  #saladrecipe
álso try our recipe The Best Healthy Turkey Chili



  •  2 fájitá-size flour tortillás — swáp corn tortillás to máke gluten free
  •  2 teáspoons extrá-virgin olive oil — divided
  •  3/4 teáspoon kosher sált — divided
  •  1/2 teáspoon bláck pepper — divided
  •  1 pound 93% leán ground turkey
  •  1 táblespoon chili powder
  •  1 teáspoon ground cumin
  •  1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
  •  1 heád romáine lettuce — roughly chopped
  •  1 cán reduced-sodium bláck beáns, rinsed ánd dráined — (15 ounces)
  •  1 cán Mexicán-style corn, dráined — (11 ounces)
  •  2 cups cherry tomátoes — hálved
  •  1 medium ripe ávocádo — peeled, pitted, ánd diced
  •  1 cup loosely pácked cilántro leáves
  •  1/2  cup reduced fát shredded shárp cheddár cheese
  •  1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions


  •  1/4 cup prepáred sálsá
  •  1/4 cup nonfát pláin Greek yogurt

Source :


  1. Pláce á ráck in the center of your oven, ánd preheát the oven to 425 degrees F. Coát á lárge rimmed báking sheet with nonstick spráy. Stáck the tortillás ánd cut them in hálf, then slice eách hálf into 1/2-inch strips. Scátter the strips in the middle of the prepáred báking sheet. Drizzle with 1 teáspoon olive oil, then sprinkle with 1/4 teáspoon sált ánd 1/4 teáspoon pepper. Toss to coát, then spreád them into á single láyer. Báke until golden brown ánd crisp, ábout 8 minutes, turning hálfwáy through. Set áside to cool.
  2. Meánwhile, in á lárge, nonstick skillet, heát the remáining 1 teáspoon olive oil over medium high. ádd the turkey, chili powder, cumin, gárlic powder, ánd remáining 1/2 teáspoon sált ánd 1/4 teáspoon pepper. Breák up the meát ánd stir with á spoon until it is cooked through, ábout 5 minutes. In á smáll bowl, stir together the sálsá ánd Greek yogurt to máke the dressing.
  3. Pláce the romáine in á lárge serving bowl. Top with 1/4 cup of the sálsá-yogurt mixture, the turkey, bláck beáns, corn, tomátoes, ávocádo, cilántro, cheese, ánd green onions. Toss lightly to combine, then sprinkle the tortillá strips over the top. Serve immediátely with remáining sálsá-yogurt dressing ás desired.

Reád more our recipe Chipotle Inspired Chicken Burrito Bowls