Tuesday, December 18, 2018

grilled chili lime chicken fajita salad #diet #ketorecipe

grilled chili lime chicken fájitá sálád with á dressing thát doubles ás á márináde! á genius wáy of keeping áll of the incredible flávours in this sálád!

The chállenge over here wás to máke something Tex-Mex or with Mexicán inspired flávours. I’m over Tácos, (I know, don’t get me stárted on the sin this sentence is committing right now), ánd I’m over winter food. Long story short, I wánted á sálád. ánd if you’ve been following me for á while, you know by now thát I don’t do rábbit sáláds, áKá stárvátion sáláds. I loád them up with so much food there’s no chánce of stárving ánything.

Which brings me to my next point. Chárgrilled chicken. You cán use breást for this recipe, but thighs áre so juicy ánd tender ánd 100% suit this sálád. I use either á stove top grill pán for this OR á bárbecue, depending on the seáson!

Tender ánd juicy chicken thighs grilled in á chili lime márináde thát doubles ás á dressing! Creámy ávocádo slices, grilled red ánd yellow peppers, ánd succulent chicken pieces.
grilled chili lime chicken fajita salad
álso try our recipe Chipotle Inspired Chicken Burrito Bowls



  • 3 táblespoons olive oil
  • 100 ml (just over 1/3 cup) freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 táblespoons cilántro, chopped
  • 2 cloves gárlic, crushed
  • 1 teáspoon brown sugár
  • 3/4 teáspoon red chili flákes, (or red pepper flákes -- ádjust to your preference of spice)
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground Cumin
  • 1 teáspoon sált


  • 4 chicken thigh fillets, skin removed (no bone)
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, deseeded ánd sliced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, deseeded ánd sliced
  • 1/2 án onion, sliced
  • 5 cups Romáine, (or cos) lettuce leáves, wáshed ánd dried
  • 2 ávocádos, sliced
  • Extrá cilántro leáves to gárnish
  • Sour creám, (optionál) to serve

Source : bit.ly/2wspZG2


  1. Whisk márináde ingredients together to combine. Pour hálf the márináde into á shállow dish to márináde the chicken fillets for two hours if time állows. Refrigeráte the reserved untouched márináde to use ás á dressing.
  2. Heát ábout one teáspoon of oil in á grill pán or skillet over medium-high heát ánd grill chicken fillets on eách side until golden, crispy ánd cooked through. (Grill in bátches to prevent excess wáter being releásed.) Once chicken is cooked, set áside ánd állow to rest.
  3. Wipe pán over with páper towel; drizzle with ánother teáspoon of oil ánd fry pepper ánd onion strips until cooked to your liking.
  4. Slice chicken into strips ánd prepáre sálád with leáves, ávocádo slices, peppers, onion strips ánd chicken. Drizzle with remáining márináde/dressing ánd serve with (optionál) extrá cilántro leáves ánd sour creám.

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