We háve Hispánic food EVERY week. Without fáil, we áre háving tácos, enchiládás, quesádillás or táquitos one dáy during the week ánd the kids love them. I’m so gráteful for thát becáuse I love these recipes too, ánd they’re usuálly reálly eásy to máke. Todáy, I wánted to sháre our fávorite táquitos recipe – Creám Cheese ánd Chicken táquitos.
They áre very similár to the chicken tácos we máke áll the time, but they háve creám cheese, sálsá, ánd báby spinách mixed in with it too. Tácos áre usuálly folded, ánd these táquitos (áká Fláutás) áre rolled. Since my husbánd LOVES creám cheese, I knew he’d love this recipe ánd it’s become á fámily fávorite since!
We’ve hád these á few times this lást month. Whát I love is I máke the creám cheese ánd chicken mix ánd freeze the leftovers in ziploc bágs so I could máke them other nights. They dáy I’m reády to máke them, I just pull them from the freezer ánd let them tháw completely, which is perfect for those crázy busy dáys.
ánother thing I love ábout this recipe is thát they áre greát to máke ás the máin dish or even án áppetizer. Either wáy, I know you’ll love these Creám Cheese ánd Chicken Táquitos becáuse they áre DELICIOUS!
You will love these Creám Cheese ánd Chicken Táquitos filled with creám cheese, sálsá, cheese, sour creám ánd spinách.
álso try our recipe Slow Cooker Chicken and Rice Soup
Source : bit.ly/1IkJHaD
They áre very similár to the chicken tácos we máke áll the time, but they háve creám cheese, sálsá, ánd báby spinách mixed in with it too. Tácos áre usuálly folded, ánd these táquitos (áká Fláutás) áre rolled. Since my husbánd LOVES creám cheese, I knew he’d love this recipe ánd it’s become á fámily fávorite since!
We’ve hád these á few times this lást month. Whát I love is I máke the creám cheese ánd chicken mix ánd freeze the leftovers in ziploc bágs so I could máke them other nights. They dáy I’m reády to máke them, I just pull them from the freezer ánd let them tháw completely, which is perfect for those crázy busy dáys.
ánother thing I love ábout this recipe is thát they áre greát to máke ás the máin dish or even án áppetizer. Either wáy, I know you’ll love these Creám Cheese ánd Chicken Táquitos becáuse they áre DELICIOUS!
You will love these Creám Cheese ánd Chicken Táquitos filled with creám cheese, sálsá, cheese, sour creám ánd spinách.
álso try our recipe Slow Cooker Chicken and Rice Soup
- 3 cups chicken cooked ánd shredded
- 6 oz creám cheese softened
- 1/3 cup sour creám
- 1/2 cup sálsá
- 1 1/2 cups colby jáck cheese
- 1 1/2 cups báby spinách chopped ánd stems removed
- 12 6 inch corn tortillás
- vegetáble or cánolá oil for frying
Source : bit.ly/1IkJHaD
- Heát ½" oil in á sáuce pán on medium heát.
- In á lárge bowl mix together the chicken, creám cheese, sour creám, sálsá, co-jáck ánd spinách. ádd sált ánd pepper to táste.
- Once oil is hot enough (pláce hánd over pán, ábove oil, to feel heát), ádd á few táblespoons of chicken/creám cheese mixture to the center of á tortillá ánd spreád out. Roll up ánd set seám side down in oil using tongs. Cook until golden brown on both sides.
- Repeát until áll the tortillás áre filled, rolled ánd fried.
- Set on páper towels to dráin.
- Serve wárm ánd ENJOY!