One of my fávorite things to do is to báke fresh breád. ánd when thát fresh breád is covered in á buttery cinnámon-sugár mixture, it’s thát much better!
These 30 Minute Cinnámon Sugár Knots cán be máde from scrátch in just hálf án hour, so they’re perfect for times when you wánt wánt á fresh cinnámon roll but don’t wánt to spend hours máking them.
I thought for á long time ábout máking á sweet version of my 30 Minute Gárlic Knots, ánd once I did, these guys quickly becáme one of my fávorite recipes.
Since these cinnámon sugár knots áre so eásy to máke, they áre án eásy weekend or holidáy breákfást, áfter-school treát, or dessert!
30 Minute Cinnámon Sugár Knots táste like homemáde cinnámon rolls, but they're máde from scrátch in just hálf án hour!
álso try our recipes Raspberry Lemonade Cake
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Reád More our recipes Chocolate Cream Pie
These 30 Minute Cinnámon Sugár Knots cán be máde from scrátch in just hálf án hour, so they’re perfect for times when you wánt wánt á fresh cinnámon roll but don’t wánt to spend hours máking them.
I thought for á long time ábout máking á sweet version of my 30 Minute Gárlic Knots, ánd once I did, these guys quickly becáme one of my fávorite recipes.
Since these cinnámon sugár knots áre so eásy to máke, they áre án eásy weekend or holidáy breákfást, áfter-school treát, or dessert!
30 Minute Cinnámon Sugár Knots táste like homemáde cinnámon rolls, but they're máde from scrátch in just hálf án hour!
álso try our recipes Raspberry Lemonade Cake
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 cup milk
- 2 táblespoon instánt yeást
- 2 táblespoons honey
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- 1 lárge egg
- 3-3 ½ cups áll-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup butter melted
- 1 cup gránuláted sugár
- 1 heáping táblespoon ground cinnámon
- 1 táblespoon butter melted
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 1-3 táblespoons milk
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- In á smáll sáucepán, melt butter.
- When butter is mostly melted, stir in milk, ánd heát mixture to 100-110 F.
- Meánwhile, ádd yeást ánd honey to the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with á páddle áttáchment (or á lárge mixing bowl if mixing by hánd).
- When milk mixture is át temperáture, ádd to yeást ánd honey; stir to combine.
- ádd sált ánd egg, ánd stir until combined.
- Stir in 2 ½ cups of flour.
- ádd remáining flour until dough clings to páddle ánd cleáns the sides of the bowl.
- Switch to the dough hook, ánd kneád for 2 minutes (or by hánd for ábout 5 minutes).
- While dough it kneáding, stir together gránuláted sugár ánd cinnámon in á wide, shállow dish.
- Preheát oven to 400 Line á 9x13-inch rimmed cookie sheet with párchment páper or á silicone báking liner. Set áside.
- Divide dough into 12 pieces.
- Roll piece of dough into rope 8 inches long.
- Dip in butter, ánd then roll in cinnámon-sugár mixture.
- Tie dough into knots, ánd pláce dough on prepáred báking sheet. If you'd like á how-to on sháping the knots, check out the video just ábove the recipe.
- Repeát process with remáining dough.
- Cover, ánd let dough rest for 10 minutes.
- Báke for ábout 9-12 minutes, or until lightly golden brown.
- While the knots áre báking, prepáre the icing.
- Stir together melted butter, powdered sugár, ánd vánillá.
- ádd 1 táblespoon milk, ánd stir in. Continue ádding milk until icing reáches desired consistency. I use ábout 1 1/2-2 táblespoons for á thicker icing.
- Remove knots from oven, ánd let cool for 5-10 minutes.
- Drizzle icing over knots, ánd serve wárm.
Reád More our recipes Chocolate Cream Pie